June 1, the Deadline for MLB Negotiations?

Author: Priyanka Saxena on May 27,2020

With the talks going on around the 2020 MLB season — the key point of discussion has been the difference surrounding economic distribution between the players and the MLB officials. Till now there is no final update on the status of these long negotiations. However, sources have revealed there could be an end to this negotiation on June 1 — it is also being seen as an informal deadline to this negotiation that has been going around between players and makers of the MLB. Only with an end to this negotiation, the league can assure for the start of the season in early July.

Revenue Split Proposal by MLBPA.

The MLB players’ associations would be presented with a proposal mentioning the best possible way to split the finances between the players & the association with a shortened 2020 schedule happening. However, it seems that this proposal would not have any mention of the 50-50 revenue split. The owners of MLB will reduce the salaries of players in some fashions so there is not any disproportionate revenue division. The MLB looks at the idea there could be a massive loss in free-cash-flow if the players are paid salaries on a prorated basis and that too without fans.

More than a week ago a document was presented to the Major League Baseball Players associations with a whopping figure of $4 billion — which was represented as the loss that could be caused if the players are paid on a prorated basis without a fan in the attendees. Past week, the players were provided with a part of the information. Till now, it isn’t clear if the document presented by the MLBPA will serve as the basis for this financial division or will the union access the financial claims of the league before deploying it after the deadline. Seth Levinson of the ACES agency believes, “there isn’t sufficient time,” and that “MLB doesn’t just seek further salary reductions from the players, but also their blind faith.”

Longer-term Issue — Financial Protection for Players.

If ever, any of these splits or financial divisions could protect the employees from further moving through the 2021 season. The loss that may occur in the 2020 season can bring about an offseason for the arbitration-eligible players and the free agents in the upcoming season. The MLB must have a plan mentioning financial protection for players in the upcoming offseason as predicted in exchange for the players are putting to accept salaries less than their prorated amount for the 2020 games.

The key focus of this documentation & the negotiation is all but centered around the 2020 season. But other than there are too many hurdles to predict the onset of these games anytime soon. In addition to logistical, hurdles including health, safety & other financial hurdles — there will prefer to play a longer-term issue. These longer-term issues that are related to the discussion on the massive financial loss & its effect on the 2021 season of MLB.

Let’s wait for the 1st of June!

The league will play a shorter game in the hope of getting chances to play the postseason game when better revenue could be generated. With these long-term and short-term hurdles, it looks too hypothetical to believe that an agreement could be reached by June 1, but we have that deadline. Let’s wait for June 1 to know how this negotiation ends!


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