How to Fix Your Golf Swing

How to Fix Your Golf Swing: The Ultimate Guide

Author: Jomathews Verosilove on Oct 28,2022

The golf swing is pretty much the most difficult thing to perfect as a golfer. It takes tons of practice, patience, and hours of drills and exercises to get it down. One of the best ways to improve your golf swing is to do mobility exercises and stretches. They will help to loosen your muscles, improve their flexibility, and help you to address any imbalances or issues you might have. These exercises will also help to improve your posture, which is very important for a solid golf swing. It’s such a complicated movement that even the best players in the world struggle with it. There are so many little mechanics involved in a good swing that it can be hard to keep track of them all, let alone train them individually. Luckily, there are lots of helpful resources out there for amateur golfers looking to improve their game. We have collected some of the best tips, tricks, and guides on how to fix your golf swing and make it an accurate and efficient shot every time you tee off. This article covers everything you need to know about fixing your golf swing and improving your game no matter what type of golfer you are.


Know Your Swing


The best way to start fixing your golf swing is to know it inside and out. The more you understand your stroke, the easier you’ll find it is to correct any bad habits and make improvements. This starts with assessing your current swing and finding out what you need to improve to shoot lower scores. If you want to get super detailed, you can even use a launch monitor to break down your swing and find out where you lose the most distance. There are also lots of great apps and online tools that will help you learn about your swing and track your progress. There are many apps that break up the golf swing into a few key parts and offer videos, interactive exercises, and other helpful features to help you learn about your swing.


Grip and Grip Pressure


The first thing to do when you are looking to improve your golf swing is to get your grip right. Even if you don’t change anything else about your swing, changing your grip can have a big impact on your accuracy and consistency. The correct grip will vary depending on your swing, but there are a few things you need to keep in mind when you are getting ready to grip up. The two key things to focus on are your posture and your grip pressure. To get the right posture, you need to make sure that your hips and knees are slightly bent and your spine is relatively straight. To get the right grip pressure, you will need to put more pressure on your left hand than you do on your right. This is called a strong grip and is the most common type of grip used by golfers. A weaker grip is more common and places more pressure on the right hand, which will affect the rest of your swing and make it harder to get a consistent shot.




Once you have figured out your grip, it’s time to start working on your backswing. This is the part of the swing where the club travels away from you as you set up to hit the ball. The trick here is to make sure that you aren’t scooping the ball or scooping your backswing. Scooping the ball happens when you let the clubhead get too far behind the ball and then pull it up into the ball. Scooping your backswing happens when you perform an exaggerated and inefficient movement where you get the club way too far behind you and then bring it down in front of you. To avoid scooping either of these things, make sure that your club is around parallel with the ground at the top of your backswing. This will help you keep the club from getting too far behind you and will help make sure that your backswing isn’t too extreme.




Once you have brought your club back, it’s time to focus on your downswing. This is the part of the swing where the club travels toward the ball. Like your backswing, this is when you should be at the closest point to the ball. To avoid the dreaded scooping again, make sure that you aren’t letting your club get too far under the ball. This happens when you bring the club down behind the ball and then hit it up toward the ball. To avoid letting this happen, focus on keeping your hands ahead of the ball and making sure that your club is at a 90-degree angle to your swing path as you approach the ball. This will help keep your club from getting too far under the ball.


Correcting Your Rotational Error (OME)


The next thing to look at when you are trying to fix your golf swing is your rotational error. This is the first swing error that most people will notice when they are breaking down their swing. It’s when your hips and shoulders are rotating too much during your downswing. This is most commonly called a “whipping” motion and happens when your shoulders are rotating too quickly, and your hips remain static. It can be tricky to fix this without overcompensating, which is why many golfers prefer to use a release drill to help get their technique back on track. To do this, you will need to set up in the same way that you would when you are about to begin your normal swing (without a ball, obviously). Set up with your left foot in front of your right foot, your left hand under your chin, and your right hand holding your club. To start the drill, rotate your shoulders back and then down and your hips. You want to make sure that you are rotating your hips as much as you are rotating your shoulders.


Moving Your Feet and Coiling Your Turn


After you have corrected your OME, it’s time to focus on moving your feet and coiling your turn. Turning your body and hips are an essential part of any golf swing and are what allow you to hit the ball with power and accuracy. To make sure that you are turning correctly, you need to be moving your left foot towards the target before you start your downswing and keeping your right foot planted until after your left foot has moved. This will help keep your hips from opening too early and will help you coil up correctly. You will know that you have coiled correctly when you feel like you are turning around on your left foot. This will feel a little bit like you are spinning on your heel.




The golf swing is a complex and challenging skill to master, but with dedication and practice, it is something that anyone can get good at. To do this, you need to know what the best golf swing looks like. Armed with this knowledge, you can set realistic goals and train your body to move the way it should during the golf swing. By doing this, you can make sure that you are getting the most out of your practice and are putting yourself in the best position to improve your golf game. The best way to improve your game is to start by knowing your swing and then working to correct any swing errors that you may have. To do this, you will first need to know what common swing issues there are, and then you can work to correct them by practicing different drills and exercises that will help you improve your form and shot accuracy.

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