Baseball Mistakes

The Top Baseball Mistakes You Could Make While Playing

Author: Jomathews Verosilove on Sep 29,2022

Baseball is a game of inches, as the famous saying goes. No other sport tests a player’s concentration and poise quite like baseball. The players are stationary for extended periods, and missteps can prove costly in terms of runs given up and red innings. In baseball, one tiny mistake can cost you the entire game. That’s why it’s so important for players to be mentally engaged at all times and avoid distractions. In the same way, baseball fans must stay mentally engaged and avoid distractions so they can enjoy the game to the fullest. It’s a game where nearly every play is determined by split-second decisions that may or may not work out for you, depending on whether or not you read your opponent correctly. In this article, we will take a look at some of the most common mistakes made by baseball players at all levels. While some may be more applicable to certain positions rather than others, they are mistakes that almost every player could stand to correct moving forward.


Don’t Shake Off Your Pitcher


It may sound like a cliche, but one of the biggest mistakes young hitters make is not respecting their pitchers’ mound-calling ability. An announcer at a ballgame will often say something like “he’s showing him a slider” or “he’s working the outside corner with the fastball.” Now, some young players may think that these are just cliches that announcers say to fill time and have no real meaning, but they’re helpful tips. When a pitcher is on the mound, he must decide which pitch to throw next.

He can’t just throw any pitch whenever he wants because then batters will be prepared for it and will be able to adjust their timing to the pitch. Some hitters, especially overly aggressive hitters, like to call their own game and let the pitcher know that they have full reign over the proceedings. This is not a good idea in the slightest. If your pitcher has a good game plan and knows what he’s doing, it is your job as a hitter to fall in line and respect his calls. This doesn’t mean you have to be a passive hitter, but it does mean that you should abide by the pitcher’s decisions. That doesn’t mean you have to agree with him 100% of the time. But if you have a strong enough relationship with your pitcher, you should feel comfortable challenging him when you feel that he is making a mistake.


Don’t Be Too Eager on Defense


This is another one of those cliches that sounds way too simple, but it’s easy to overlook. It happens a lot when younger players get overly excited about playing defense and forget about the other half of the game. The saying goes that pitchers are more important than fielders, and hitters are more important than pitchers. While that is not 100% accurate, there is a lot to be said for playing solid defense. Being too eager on defense can lead to overthrowing, overthrowing can lead to bad bounces, and bad bounces can lead to an extra-base hit at times. Being too eager on defense can also lead to overthrowing the cutoff man or leaving too many men on base.


Don’t Freeze on Batter’s Swing


This one is fairly straightforward. As a fielder, when a batter swings and misses, you should be ready to react almost immediately. One thing that happens quite often when fielders freeze on batters’ swings is a wild pitch. A wild pitch can happen when the pitcher kicks a soft throw that the catcher tries to pick up but misses. The pitcher can also drop the ball while trying to throw it into the catcher. This usually happens when the pitcher tries to throw the ball into the catcher too quickly and makes a wild throw. Making a wild throw can also happen if the pitcher accidentally drops the ball while trying to put it in the glove. The last common cause of wild pitches is if the pitcher steps on the mound with the ball, which is considered a balk and an automatic out. It’s not the end of the world, of course, but wild pitches can lead to extra bases. A wild pitch can also happen when the catcher is trying to throw the ball to first base, and the ball gets away from him. Either way, it’s an easy way for the opposing team to score a run.


Don’t Let Timing Plays Defend You


This is another thing that happens more often than you’d think. Baseball is a game of timing, so it makes sense that timing plays have a huge impact on the game. Whether you’re stealing bases, trying to make a pick-off move too early, or trying to execute a squeeze play at the wrong time, bad timing on the baseball field can spell disaster. Unfortunately, bad timing can also have a significant impact on your investment portfolio, so timing plays an important role in that aspect of the game as well. The most common timing play is the hit-and-run. On the hit-and-run play, the batter will be running to first base before the pitcher is even in his wind-up. The timing play is a tricky one because it relies on the opposing team making a mistake. It also relies on the hitter being able to accurately read the pitcher’s pitch. If you are in a situation where you’re expecting a hit-and-run, you need to be ready to defend. If you are not ready to defend but are still expecting the play to go, you may find yourself out of position and giving your opponents an extra base.


Don’t Be Afraid to Run


This is another thing that only applies to offensive players. As an offensive player, you should be ready to take the extra base whenever you have the opportunity to do so. Additionally, you should be ready to advance to another base whenever the chance presents itself. If you’re on second base, keep your eye on the ball, watching for a fly ball that you might be able to stretch for and advance to third. If you’re on first base, keep an eye on the base you’re currently running from. When you see the third baseman or shortstop move towards the base you’re running towards, you know it’s time to advance towards the next base. First and second base are typically the best places to try for an extra base, with third base being a riskier but more lucrative option. At the first and second base positions, the majority of the time, you will be safe. The risk of getting tagged out at the first base is lower than it is at the second base. At third base, the risk of getting tagged out is much higher. However, if you’re able to get to third base safely, it gives your team a much better chance to score runs.




The phrase 'It's a game of inches' refers to the fact that baseball is won or lost by a mere fraction of a foot. Baseball requires a player to maintain focus and remain composed more than any other sport. Players remain in one place for long periods, and even the slightest mistakes can result in big innings or runs given up. Baseball is all about precision. One tiny mistake can lead to immediate defeat. Every play in the game is decided in a split second, and if you read your opponent correctly, you might succeed or fail. For baseball players, there is always room for improvement. Having a strong knowledge of the most common mistakes that are made in baseball is the first step towards correcting them and becoming a better player overall.

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